Monday, March 1, 2010

A Championship State of Mind

Hello all,
So it has again been way too long since I have updated this, so good thing it is not part of my job description! Well the Championship season has started, and it has started well! We had a bunch of swimmers swim yesterday at Bronze Champs, and we had probably 90% best times overall, including numerous event wins and lots of Silver Cuts! Zach Halawa won 3 events, achieving BB cuts in most of his events! Orange swimmer Isabel Ergun also won numerous events, posting B times or better in everything. Taylor Steele was also an event winner. In total, USC won 13 of the days events, which is impressive considering we were not represented in a good number of events. We had many others place in the top 8 of their events which is great! Let's keep up the good work and carry this momentum through Silver Champs this weekend and Gold Champs the weekend after that!

See you at the pool!

Coach Matt

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