Sunday, July 12, 2009

Catching up...

So I am waaaaaaaaaaaaay behind in updating this, so there are a few things I would like to post about. First off, we have been swimming great at practice and at meets! There have been a few new practice records set, but my notebook that has them written down in it is in the car and I am just too tired (or lazy!) after this weekend at Freelander to walk out to the car to get you will just have to know that new ones were set. When I remember to post the actual times, I will do so!

We have had some team records set at the past few meets by some of our Twinsburg swimmers! Amber Kovach broke the 50 and 100 backstroke records as well as the 50 butterfly record in the 11-12 age group. Jordan Delgross set the 800 freestyle record this past Friday at the Freelander meet for the 10 and under age group. She is the first 10 and under girl to swim the 800 for USC in our 40 year history! Congrats to both of you on your accomplishments and keep up the good work!

Thanks to everyone who came to the meet this weekend and celebrated USC's 40th Anniversary with us. We had a great time with current swimmers and some alums who came to join in the festivities.

A reminder that registration for long course champs is up and we would like to see everyone there. We train so that we can swim fast at the end of the season and the summer has been designed around the last weekend of July and first weekend of August for almost all of us. Come out and let all of your hard work pay off!

That's all for now. See you at practice!